Birth Trauma Consultations

Was your birth experience extremely difficult? Do you feel that it may have been traumatic? If so, it can be extremely helpful to discuss your experience with someone who understands and can help you process through the trauma. Birth trauma consultations provide an opportunity for parents to tell their birth story in an environment free of judgement or shame. We can talk through the most difficult aspects of your birth and can discuss ways to heal, and move forward without carrying the trauma into your daily life.

Appropriate referrals to a psychologist/counselor are made when necessary, and the opportunity for a “Rebirthing Ceremony” is given. In this ceremony, we create the environment you imagined to be your ideal birth environment and we re-enact your birth experience the way you hoped it would be. This simple ceremony can bring much healing to those who have experienced traumatizing births, and can also help with better bonding with your baby.

These consults are done at Mums’ Haven through Desert Blooms, LLC ( by Jessi Vining, student midwife). Currently, birth trauma consultations are only offered in English with an Arabic translator. Please call our office if you are interested in scheduling a Birth Trauma Consultation, as these are only scheduled when clinic is not actively running (for maximum privacy).

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