Doula Services

Doula Services

What is a doula?

A doula is a non-medical birth assistant who offers physical and emotional support for women before, during and after childbirth. A doula enables a woman and her husband to have the most enjoyable and relaxing childbirth because she is trained to understand a woman’s needs and feelings. She is the perfect companion who helps mothers to take the step from pregnancy to motherhood. Doulas are skilled in providing information about birth, in helping mothers with comfort measures and pain relief during labor, and with helping to create a birth plan.

Why do you need a doula?

A recent study that covered women from around the world has concluded that a doula’s support is more effective than hospital staff, friends or family. Study results show that women who had the support of a doula enjoyed a better and a healthier birth experience. For example, the caesarean rate of women supported by both a male partner and a doula was significantly lower (15.4%) than the caesarean rate for women supported only by their partners (24.4%).

A doula can also give you these benefits:

  • 45% reduction in the cesarean birth rate
  • 25% reduction in the total length of labor
  • 50% less use of synthetic oxytocin (pitocin/syntocinon).
  • 31% reduction in the use of pain medication.
  • 34% reduction in the need for forceps delivery
  • Reduction in requests for pain medication (between 10-60%) (Source: Klaus, Kennel and Klaus, 2002).

Our birthing clinic has trained doulas to be the perfect companion and advisor for a mother throughout her pregnancy. And after the baby is born a doula provides you with the guidance you need to make the right choices for you and for your baby born. All doulas are trained and certified through AMANI Birth

List of Doulas:

  • Nadia Abdul-Sabur Abdullah
  • Ingrid Briscoe
  • Krystal Harris

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